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Sunday, January 18, 2009

snow, annual meeting, Martin Luther King Jr., and inaguaration

Due to the beautiful fresh snow falling today, our morning service and WATERSHED at First Presbyterian are canceled today. Waltham's snow emergency and parking ban makes it impossible for us to park and have a gathering. We'll be sorry to miss each other tonight - but hopefully back together next week. Enjoy the snow today! (we highly encourage making snow angels and/or snow caves as is possible... :)
We have our Annual Meeting next sunday 1/25 at 12:30pm. It is a potluck - so please let Rob know if you can bring something. If you can't, no worries - just show up and find out more about how our congregation makes decisions and hear reports from 2008 and help envision 2009 together! If it is snowing again and we have to cancel morning service - the annual meeting will be changed to Sunday Feb. 8th at 12:30pm.
Enjoy the snow!
"Everyone can be great, because everyone can serve." MLKjr.
The Waltham Ministerial Association is sponsoring its annual Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Service at 7pm tomorrow, Monday 1/19 at the Covenant Congregation Church in Waltham, 375 Lexington Street (I'll be taking part in worship leading, and Rev. Tom Maehl will be preaching the sermon). Especially in light of the historic occasion of Tuesday's inauguration - this MLK service should be one not to miss. There will also be a day of service at the Community Day Center tomorrow - where Harvard Students will be coming out to make and serve a lunch at 1:15. Please join us if you'd like.
And on Tuesday, please take a moment to pray for the Obama family. Pray for their health, safety and spiritual formation as they begin this new journey. And pray for our nation - for humilty, a new direction, hope, and a conversion to the workings of peace in our world.
As you enjoy the snow - today's lectionary psalm is 139 - take a look at it and contemplate how God knows you, and what that means to you.
And finally - some gifts to you. I strongly urge you to take a few minutes to click on these links, and be inspired anew with the prophetic words of our saint for justice, in the spirit of Christ, Martin Luther King, especially as we move together through this historic week:
1. Up to the Moutain speach (night before his death)
2. Vietnam, anti-war speach
3. How Long, not long!
4. Up to the mountain - Patty Griffin's song in the spirit of MLKjr.

“A genuine revolution of values means in the final analysis that our loyalties must become ecumenical rather than sectional. Every nation must now develop an overriding loyalty to mankind as a whole in order to preserve the best in their individual societies….This call for a world-wide fellowship that lifts neighborly concern beyond one's tribe, race, class and nation is in reality a call for an all-embracing and unconditional love for all [peoples].”

– Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr.
peace on earth, Rob (PS - a longer video clip i've not yet watched)

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