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Monday, December 6, 2010

An Advent Prayer for Climate Justice

It is once again Advent. And this week while the Climate Change negotiations continue in Mexico, something seasonally hopeful is emerging thanks to our sisters & brothers in the Episcopal side of our Church. They are meeting in the DR this week to bring representatives from the Global North and South together to say as Christians who take the call to Earth Stewardship seriously, we will pledge to commit ourselves as fellow members of the Body of Christ to reduce our emissions even in the light of our nation's failures to make such faithful decisions.  Our friends Chris Morck and Willis Jenkins (both have preached at Watershed in the past) are helping in this process and are present in the DR this week. We pray for them and all those involved - and here is a prayer that comes to us from them that I thought helpful to share: (hope to see you at FPCW this coming sunday for Advent 3 "We Listen" at 5pm.)
An Advent Prayer of Hope
O God, Creator, Sustainer, Judge and Lover of all your Creation,
Inspiration and Life-giver through Jesus who shares with us in Earthly life,
We acknowledge our utter dependence upon You and Your creation for life itself.
We thank You, we praise You for the mystical workings of the whole community of life, and
express our sorrow for the pain we cause to You and Your whole creation.
As we live through Advent,
we seek new hearts and understanding to live more gently as part of Your Creation.

We humbly beseech you, O Holy Spirit, O Wisdom,
to move through Earth and her wondrous community of life,
to touch and enliven this gathering of your faithful,
that they may amplify your life-giving Word.
Bring Your power, Wisdom and judgment alive in all those who are tired, fearful or cynical.
Pierce the hearts of those leaders of nations gathered in Cancun
that they may gain new understanding from the troubled, beleaguered waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
Grant to the world’s leaders, having failed their task in Copenhagen,
a heightened sense of urgency to govern responsibly,
to protect Earth Community
from our stubborn, dangerous path of wanton consumption of Earth’s gifts,
the waning legacy of Your ancient, precious creation.
This we pray in the name of Jesus, who keeps leading us through the darkness, teaching us new ways, bringing us to the Light.
–from Members of The Earth Care Ministry
of the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Episcopal, Burlington, VT, USA
Sylvia Knight, The Venerable Catherine Cooke, Robert K. Wright,
Travis Puller, Elizabeth Emerson, James P. Vos,
David H. Turner, The Rev. Dr. Nancy Bloomer