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Friday, March 27, 2009

Earth Hour - turn of thy lights!!

Let's remember to turn off our lights this saturday from 8:30-9:30pm to raise awareness around global warming and cast our "vote" as stewards of God's planet. (and as such, don't forget to help support those in need by attending the Community Day Center spaghetti dinner and raffle at 5:30-7:30pm that same night!)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Bed of Branches - Andrew Mudge

Friends - keep track of our friend Andrew Mudge's snowshoe tracks as he treks across Labrador with the Innu. Click here and let's keep him and them in our prayers.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

One Great Hour of Sharing

We have the chance on Palm sunday and Easter to give to this important offering. It suports the work of our church in mission in many real ways. Check out the video clip.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Watershed service 3/22/09

Click here for link to last night's Lent 4 watershed service. Let's keep the Presbytery of Boston meeting tonight in our prayers.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

six years of war in iraq

Let us not forget, we are a people at war.
Let us not forget, to repent of war.
Let us not forget, to work to turn swords into plowshares.
Let us not forget, the young on all sides we put in harms way.
May the refrain we sing so often, "I ain't gonna study war no more" be
Prince of peace, come.
Our Lady of Peace for Iraq: currently 99,452 civilian deaths, 4258 confirmed US deaths.

spring clean & potluck

Friends! Tomorrow, March 20, we experience vernal equinox - the beginning of Spring. SO, besides taking in the beautiful change New England seasons afford us (have you seen any buds peeking out yet??), let's get together to tiddy up our church. Sunday March 29 at 2pm, we'll all gather to do what we can to clean and spruce up the building. Then, if you can, stay for an all-church potluck at 5pm prior to Watershed.
BYO gloves... :)

Monday, March 9, 2009

wendell and protest

Thank you for your prayers. I had the privilege of going down to DC on my "day off" this past monday to join in the Capitol Climate Action day where we gathered, rallied, marched, and protested the coal fired power plant that powers the Capitol and many surrounding buildings. It was an inspiring experience joining some 2500 predominately young adults committed to help change our country and move away from dirty coal that pollutes, destroys mountains, and changes our climate - to more sustainable ways of living. It was my honor to shake Wendell Berry's hand and tell him how much he has inspired our community of faith here at Watershed in Waltham. His humilty was felt as he thanked me for my words - and I thanked him for his witness. The police did not arrest anyone of us in this massive civil disobedience (no permits were obtained for this march, as it was intended to symbolically shut down the coal plant for the day) - as there were too many to arrest - a success indeed. Bill McKibben ( and James Hansen (NASA) were also there. Photos are of some fellow Waltham activists I ran into, Wendell Berry, and others. May there be eco-peace soon!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Carbon Fast for Lent

Thanks to the wonderful organization Tearfund ("Christians passionate about the local church bringing justice and transforming lives - overcoming global poverty") - we have a great link that gives us daily ACTIONS this Lent that relate to healing our planet, and reducing poverty. Check it out - click here.